Al-Rakeezeh for Relief and Development Foundation, in collaboration with the Community Police

Al-Rakeezeh for Relief and Development Foundation, in collaboration with the Community Police, hosted the monthly meeting of the Regional Forum of Al-Jami’aa and A’adil Neighbourhoods on Tuesday, April 30, 2024.

Key points discussed:

-Combating Drug Use:
*Parental Guidance: The importance of parents instructing their children on good morals, monitoring internet and social media use, and keeping an eye out for potential issues.
*Educational Awareness: Fostering collaboration between teachers and students to identify any struggles students might be facing and prevent them from turning to drugs.
*Religious Guidance: The role of mosques in raising awareness about the dangers of drugs through well-informed religious sermons.

-Summer Holiday Program:
*Volunteer Opportunities: Encouraging participation in volunteer activities.
*Skill Development Courses: Offering courses like photography and marketing to help students develop valuable skills.
*Sports Activities: Promoting sports like swimming, shooting, and football to keep students physically and mentally healthy.

Conversely, recommendations were put forth to optimize the summer break for school and college students, encouraging their participation in volunteer activities and enrollment in educational courses such as photography and marketing to enhance their skill sets. Furthermore, the importance of engaging in sports activities like swimming, shooting, and football was stressed, not only as a means of recreation but also to promote physical and mental well-being.

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